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Dynamic Systems Analysis for Economic Theory and Society


Mission | Organisation | Agenda | Events | Outcomes |Links 


Missionretour menu


DYNAMETS is an interdisciplinary research group devoted to develop and apply innovative quantitative research approaches (including agent-based modelling and dynamic systems analysis) to socio-economic phenomena.

The systemic approach has been shown to allow collaboration among specialists of extremely different fields, enabling path-breaking and fruitful links between mathematics, computer science and social sciences.

Our focus points to the interaction between microscopic and macroscopic dimensions in generating the ongoing performance of the systems under investigation, with a view to better understand and analyse dynamic systems behaviour, control, decision-making and regulatory design. 



Organisationretour menu


Research Team Leaders

Yuri Biondi, Cnrs, IRISSO (University Paris Dauphine PSL) . webpage

Stefano Olla, University Paris Dauphine PSL, CEREMADE. website

Juliette Rouchier, Cnrs, LAMSADE (University Paris Dauphine PSL). website


Research Team Members

Samuel Bates (LEDa, University Paris Dauphine PSL) website

Julien Randon-Furling (SAMM, University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne) website 

Simone Righi (UCL London) website

Iryna Veryzhenko Bykova (LIRSA, Cnam) website



Agenda retour menu

DYNAMETS research program features include: 

- Micro-Macro Relationship: Specific attention is paid to the mutual relationship and interaction between the micro-level, featuring agent behaviour and conditions, and the macro-level, featuring environmental and collective structures. 

- Non-equilibrium Systems: Innovative dynamic systems analysis is developed drawing upon the concept of non-equilibrium systems. 

- Systemic Implications and Applications: Applied research projects aim to jointly develop theoretically-informed analysis and empirically-grounded theory. Implications and applications point to the systemic dimensions of relevant socio-economic issues such as financial stability and sustainability, environment protection, and wealth inequality.



Events retour menu


  • (with Simone Righi) "Formation of Financial Market Prices over Time: A Mathematical Institutional Economic Analysis Through Simulation and Experiment", First International Workshop on Agentization: Rendering Conventional Models with Agent-Based Computing, George Mason University and the Proteus Foundation, online, 15-17 September 2021

  • Presentations at the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas 2021 International Conference (CSS 2021), virtual, 4-7  November 2021



  • (with Iryna Veryshenko) "Sources of Properties of Security Market Pricing: Institutional Design and Agent Rationality", presentation at the The First Conference on Zero/Minimal Intelligence Agents, Yale University (online), 22-24 October 2020



  • 5 June, International Workshop on 'Dynamic Systems Analysis for Economic Theory and Society' with the ISC-PIF, Paris, 5 June 2019



14 February, Dauphine University, private meeting

23 May, Dauphine University, private meeting

19 Novembre, Dauphine University, private meeting


2009 - 2017



Outcomes retour menu


  SSRN Working Paper | arXiv Working Paper






  • (with S. Olla) Financial accumulation implies ever-increasing wealth inequality. DYNAMETS (Dynamic Systems Analysis for Economic Theory and Society) Working Paper, 23 September 2018

  SSRN Working Paper | arXiv Working Paper


2009 - 2017


Linksretour menu

GDR3720 - Policy Analytics

